How to convert Degrees Minutes Seconds (DMS) to decimal degrees on calculator application?
Tuesday, 15 May 2012
We all know there are 360 degrees in a complete circle. Each degree splits up into 60 parts and each part being 1/60 of a degree these are known as minutes. Each minute is still split up into 60 parts and each part being 1/60 of a minute these parts are called seconds.
The Result is:
In DMS values are represented by using symbols such as:
- Degree with 0 (superscripted zero)
- Minutes with ‘ (single quote )
- Seconds with ’’ (double quot)
Conversion of Degree Minute Second (DMS) to Decimal Degrees (DD) is very simple by using scientific calculator application in your computer. Before step into the conversion using calculator, let’s check how it can be done manually.
In 75025’33.353’’, there are 75 full degrees, 25 minutes- each 1/60 if a degree and 33.353 seconds- each 1/60 of 1/60 of a degree. Hence the decimal degree of 75025’33.353’’ is equal to:
750+(25*1/60)+(33.353*1/60*1/60)=75+0.4167+0.009265=75.425965=75.426 (limit to three digits)
Convertion using scientific calculator:
- Locate the calculator application in your computer and click open
- Normally the application open a standard calculator
- In ‘View’ menu of the calculator set the view as ‘Scientific'
- Enter the value 75025’33.353’’ as 75.2533353 (Concatenate minutes and seconds)
- Set the ‘Inv’ checkbox checked
- Click ‘dms’ button to calculate the decimal degree of the value entered.
The Result is:
Once you format the decimal places to three digits then the result become:75.426.
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