DIVA-GIS Free Spatial Data

Saturday 7 July 2012 Posted by 37Latitude

Diva-gis is a good destination for free geospatial data. It provides spatial data download facility in country level. So user can download data for any country and the main categories are:

  • Administrative boundaries
  • Roads
  • Rails
  • Altitude
  • Landcover
  • Population density
  • Apart from these categories, it also provides country boundary data (2011),Climate data, Species occurrence data, Crop collection data, Global elevation data (90 meters) and also high resolution LandSat images in MrSid format.
    08-07-2012 12-20-20
    Clicking on ‘Country level data’ leads to the page were user can select the data by country from the dropdown list. In the Subject dropdown list user can select the appropriate theme. Click OK to proceed.

    08-07-2012 12-42-27

    Next page will shows the download link of the date as shown below.
    08-07-2012 12-46-31Click download link and download the data. The data is available in ZIP format (here the road data named as IND_rds.zip) of 2.8 MB size.

08-07-2012 12-48-40

Unzip the folder contains shapefile named IND_roads.

Open shapefile in ArcMap to see the spatial data and attribute information.

08-07-2012 01-05-36


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